'#IlocanoBreakfast #Mukbang #BoodleFight In the Philippines, Boodle Fight -this is traditional way of eating with the hands. The food is places on top of a long banana leaf-lined treasle table with these fried dried fish as tuyo, danggit and pusit. Fruits are served to act as balancer to the salty and oily viands. Enjoy watching Lets Eat kailians ❤️ COMMENT LIKE SHARE https://youtu.be/r9clHC0_zL0 #bandongzki'
Tags: #mukbang , #BreakFastMukbang , #BOODLEFIGHT , #FoodVlogs , #Kamayan , #IlocanoBreakfast , #IlocanoBreakfastMukbang , #IlocanoFood , #Daing , #PusitDaing , #OFWinLAOS , #OFWtraveller , #ilocanovlogs , #ilocano
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